Do you have a habit that’s particularly bugging you? Are you on the stop start treadmill where the habit’s concerned. If you can find the links in your chain of reaction, then you can break
How to do it
Suppose, for example, you’re stuck in the binge/diet cycle. The first thing to do is to identify what sort of eater you might be. Is the pattern just habit or is there an emotional element? It’s most likely to be a combination of both eating patterns, for many of us use food as a way of comforting ouselves – it’s wired in and easy to turn to.
Now think of a trigger and imagine a chain of links that follow the trigger. Write down the trigger and draw a chain. Keep adding the links of behaviour. Here’s an example:

Now start to look at each link. Think about how you can break it. It should look like this.

You’ll see that there are weak links in the chain. By reflecting on them you’re more likely to understand what might be going on, then take action.
Jen Popkin